Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A post from Chris

Hi so umm... Well Sara told me I have to write a silly story about me so umm.. here it goes
So when I was little I use to put my dog (Grettle) in a little wagon. I would put her in there and walk around the house. Grettle really didn't like it cause sometime the wagon would hit a bump and it would tip over and she would get out. When she would get out she would run behind the sofa and hide from me. I would have to get a dog treat to get her out, but some times that wouldn't work. lol!
Well TTYL,

Monday, September 28, 2009

A post from Sara

Hi everyone! I haven't post much. Sorry! I have been realy busy with my blog. What has everyone been doing? I have been doing schoolwork, and we went to the mountains for the weekend. I have been looking for some more sites to show you, but I haven't found any. Since I got tagged on my blog, I'll share a funny story. Maybe CHRIS will too.

Funny story: When I was younger (and I mean younger) I would cry when we had to give the pony up on my little pony, the game! We thought it would "Go away" LOL! Sorry, I don't have anyone to tag left. Well, BYE!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Funny Dumb Blonde Jokes


Q: Why can't blondes make icecubes?
A: They can never remember the recipe.

M&M Factory

Q: Do you know why the blonde got fired from the M&M factory?
A: For throwing out the Ws.

Lost on an Island

Three girls, a red head, a brunette, and a blond, are all shipwrecked on a deserted island. One day, while walking along the beach, the three girls come across a lamp. They rub the lamp and a genie comes out. He tells them that they each may have one wish.

Well, they think on it, long and hard. The red head finally goes up to the genie. "My wish is for a boat, so I can get off this island." Poof! A boat appears, and she rows away.

The brunette then goes to the genie. "My wish is for a helicopter so I can get off this island." Poof! A helicopter appears and she flies off.

Well, the blond, she sits there and she thinks, and thinks...and thinks. Finally after a week, she goes to the genie. "Man, I'm getting lonely here...Can you bring the other two back?" Poof!

Shop Electric

One day a blonde went into Shop Electric and said to the man "Could I buy this TV please?"
"Sorry,we don't sell to blondes"The man said.

So off she went home and put on a brown wig.She went into the shop again and asked to buy the TV again.The same thing happened again.He told her they didnt sell to blondes.So she went home, got changed, put on different clothes and changed her make-up.Off she went to Shop Electric again."Could I buy this TV?"She said again.

"No, we dont sell to blondes."

"How do you know Im a blonde?" She said

"Cos thats a Microwave,not a TV!" The man said.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


This week was Anya's and my birthday! Anya is 2 now. I am now 13!! I can't believe time went by so fast! My b-day was the 17 of this month and Anya's b-day was the 14. Well TTYL!!