Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Guess what so at 1st Sara and me only had one class together now we have 3. The reason why is at first they put Sara pre-algebra and me 7th grade math. We took a the test to see which one we would be in Sara is still in pre-algebra but I'm going to be in pre-algebra this time. Well teacher told me that I could choose which class I wanted if I wanted 7th grade math or pre-algebra cause I was right in the middle. The reasons I wanted to do this cause 1. It's little bit harder 2. To look better on my college form thing cause I want to be a vet, and 3. So I could be with Sara (of couse). Lol. BTW keep checking out Sara's blog at www.anyaowner.blogspot.com mine (Chris) www.puppyloverof3.blogspot.com. Dont forget to take my quiz on my blog Puppy Lover for a chance to win a sidebar about your blog and a post tell all about your blog to. Well TTYL.-Chris

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