Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Guess what so at 1st Sara and me only had one class together now we have 3. The reason why is at first they put Sara pre-algebra and me 7th grade math. We took a the test to see which one we would be in Sara is still in pre-algebra but I'm going to be in pre-algebra this time. Well teacher told me that I could choose which class I wanted if I wanted 7th grade math or pre-algebra cause I was right in the middle. The reasons I wanted to do this cause 1. It's little bit harder 2. To look better on my college form thing cause I want to be a vet, and 3. So I could be with Sara (of couse). Lol. BTW keep checking out Sara's blog at www.anyaowner.blogspot.com mine (Chris) www.puppyloverof3.blogspot.com. Dont forget to take my quiz on my blog Puppy Lover for a chance to win a sidebar about your blog and a post tell all about your blog to. Well TTYL.-Chris

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Things to do with your BFF
  • Go to a park
  • Sleepover
  • A craft
  • Go to the mall
  • Go on a walk or ride bikes
  • Go swimming

One thing we like to do is go shopping and buy eachother gifts, but you can't tell eachother what it is until you are out of the store.

Leave comments for us to tell what you like to do with your BFF.

Chris and Sara

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I can't believe school will be starting soon on Aug. 17! Sara want to go but I don't except for getting my locker. Lol. I am going to be so bored this week cause Sara went to CA today! At least it only a couple days. When she comes back we will being going to a pool party for the whole class. Then next week Thursday is the orriation. I hope I get 2 lockers this time. Last time I only got one. Monday is when we start school. Summer went by fast!! Hope everyone has a good rest of the summer what is ever left.-Chris